Power of Salt: Leveling Your Character in Ravendawn Online

In the vast realm of Ravendawn Online, where every choice can impact your character’s growth, I’ve discovered a hidden gem that not only saves you silver but also propels your character’s progression at an astonishing pace. The key ingredient to this secret? Salt.

Yes, you heard it right. Salt, one of the cheapest materials on the market, holds the potential to be a game-changer in leveling your character. Intrigued? Let me walk you through the process and unveil the magic that lies within this unassuming crafting material.

The Power of Salt Crafting

Let’s dive straight into the heart of the matter. The magic happens at the cooking station, and I’m currently at level 23. Surprisingly, the only thing I’ve been crafting is the basic seasoning. Why, you ask? Because it offers a whopping 290 experience points (exp) for a mere single salt.

To put this into perspective, let’s say I bought the salt for around 30 Ravendawn silver. That means I’m gaining ten times the experience for what I paid. Even if the salt cost me 50 silver, I would still be getting a remarkable six times the experience. It’s an insane ratio that sets the stage for efficient character leveling.

Crafting Strategy Unleashed

Now, let’s talk strategy. Why am I sharing this with you? Because you want to utilize your crafting not just to create consumables but also to level your character, archetypes, and professions simultaneously. Crafting becomes a powerful tool in your arsenal, and here’s how you can maximize its potential.

Every day, there’s a maximum limit to crafting, as reaching a certain amount of experience in crafting unlocks extra perks. For example, at level five, you unlock the ability to craft multiple items at once. The higher your crafting level, the more items you can craft simultaneously, and the experience gain increases as well.

I’m currently at level 23 in cooking, which allows me to craft 44 items at a time. This crafting session, costing me 766 silver, rewards me with a staggering 12,760 experience points. It’s a simple process – raise the crafting bar, press one, and witness your character’s experience skyrocket.

Managing Tax Limits

But there’s a catch – the tax limit. Every day, you want to craft enough to reach the tax limit, as it grants bonus experience. However, crafting beyond the limit becomes progressively more expensive. I have a 16% increase in experience gain, but your approach may vary based on your preferences.

As I demonstrated in the video, I exceeded the tax limit, putting me at 10.8% over. Now, every crafting session above the limit becomes more costly. To reset the tax limit to zero, you’ll need to wait for it to decrease, which happens at a rate of 5% per hour. In my case, it’ll take 22 hours to reach zero from my current 10.8%.

It’s crucial not to wait too long, as hitting zero means losing experience due to the opportunity to craft more being wasted. Find the sweet spot between crafting efficiency and managing the tax limit to keep your character’s progression smooth.

Subclass Leveling and Additional Perks

As showcased in the video, this crafting strategy is a fantastic way to level your subclass. I’ve gained approximately one and a half levels in Wizard and one level in Witchcraft. The experience gained is not just limited to character levels – it extends to your subclasses, making it a holistic approach to character development.

Additionally, crafting rewards you with Ravendawn Supply bags, leading to certificates that translate into free money. These certificates can be a welcome boost to your finances, creating a symbiotic relationship between crafting, character leveling, and economic gains.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the power of salt crafting in Ravendawn Online cannot be understated. It’s a cost-effective and efficient method to level your character, subclasses, and professions. Crafting, when used strategically, becomes a valuable tool in your adventurer’s journey.

I hope this revelation adds a new dimension to your Ravendawn Online experience. For more of the latest Ravendawn Online content, be sure to keep up to date with MMOexp.